Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I tried, I really did

I went hunting for some calm, dispassionate discourse on the state of the world today. I hunted and peck, looked at Slate's blogs, Technorati, Salon, searched Google blogs, etc. With the Harry Reid move today (honestly, does it make any difference to anyone? Did it accomplish anything?), the dialogue has just gotten even more rabid, if that's possible. Basically, blogs on either side are trying to find newer, fresher, and more creative ways of saying, "You're an idiot!" "Oh really, well, you're a moron." I did find some useful info on TalkingPointsMemo, but I am suspicious that what I see as balanced and dispassionate might be viewed as incidiary by people "not like me" (i.e. bleeding heart liberal). There's one site I'd recommend because happily it doesn't take itself too seriously. But once again, I must admit to a certain inherent symmetry of political philosophy.

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