Thursday, September 15, 2005

Bleary-eyed from blogging (true confessions)

I tried an experiment and failed miserably. This confirms that I am either (1) blog-challenged (most likely); or (2) the blogosphere is not quite the Mecca of cutting-edge news it's been cracked up to be.

I heard yesterday that Osama Bin Laden reportedly (as told to a London newspaper by a U.S. Army officer) is ill and is seeking medical treatment. I heard this on the always edgy Today Show. I then decided to see if there was any blogtalk to be found on this report.

I couldn't find nuthin'. I came up with nil on said rumor, even using the brand-new blog-search feature on Google. I did, however, find this extremely bizarre, funny, and slightly scary blog called Osama's Bin Bloggin'. It looks bereft and abandoned,so maybe its blog-master is also away seeking medical attention.

My utter failure (not just "failure," but "UTTER" failure) to find anything on the Osama-is-sick rumor could be a symptom of my poor blog-searching skills. However, since I'm probably more computer literature than the average American (hey, I have my own BLOG, for crying out loud), this means the greater blogdom just isn't not yet a reliable source of info-rumor-innuendo. I mean, I couldn't even find a rumor that was on the Today Show!

Or I just suck at blogging.

Regrettably, Nile

P.S. Why didn't that U.S. Army officer call the Washington Post? Why do we have to hear about this from London?

1 comment:

Brett E. Lassoff said...

I love the name Osama's Bin Blogging. I read all the way through it, and it is strange albeit a tad old. Hey by the way, you can check out my herbal remedies site at...just kidding. Lets set up that class food blog asap...