Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Am I the only one who didn't know this?

It just struck me how much blogging is like emailing: the informal tone, the faux intimacy which got so many employees in trouble (way before anyone was Dooced). We forward interesting things to our friends, much like the way we link in our blogs. Often we get lulled into thinking we're composing harmless little thoughts, only to be surprised when someone unexpected replies because our email got send to or read by an unintended recipient, just as we're sometimes shocked when someone randomly comments on our blog. Blogging is like emailing on a grander scheme.


Brett E. Lassoff said...

Interesting idea. I never quite thought of it that way, but the attitude is definiely similar.

Bora Zivkovic said...

I did think about it this way. It is the same people, after all, who were the early adopters of all the online technologies, who invented the lingo, format and style. A blog is an e-mail to "All Recepients" - literally.