Thursday, November 24, 2005

Feeling lonely

First of all, Happy Thanksgiving. I send this to you late Thanksgiving evening, full of turkey, gravy, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, etc., etc. I'm in Slingerlands, NY with my family, having a lovely holiday. I just checked in with our class blog, and then checked over my blog, and realized that I haven't made a post in an entire week, and we haven't been "assigned" any blog-reads since last class, either. Although I am happily basking the family glow here in the greater Albany area, I miss the comradery of our class, and also knowing that Nile Blogger is out there in cyberworld, reading, commenting, and posting. I guess I miss Nile. Hmmm. I've been wondering if I would continue blogging once class was over. I didn't think I would -- mostly because it's time-consuming and somewhat unproductive...blogging away under an assumed name on a site no one really reads. But I do miss the process, and the persona. So maybe the need for self-expression that we discussed will keep me going after all. Maybe I don't always have to be productive.


Aldon Hynes said...

Please check out my comments about this post (and couple posts by Brett) over on my blog.

Printer's Devil said...

be lonely no more!
i'm inviting you to suggest topics for the last two classes